Hello everybody, i’m mtttia and this is my portfolio

I am a high school student and mtttia is my name as developer, I study computer scienze and telecommunication, programming is my passion since I have been in this school.
I love learning to program, in fact most of the languages / frameworks I know I learned them by myself.
Programming is my passion and one of my favorite pastimes.
I spend a lot of my free time planning various projects which can be found in the portfolio section
I have also participated in various competitions in the sector such as:
Team IT Olympics (Olinfo), Individual IT Olympics (Olinfo) and Olicyber (course with selection on cybercecurity)


Learned at school

  • c#
    • Console
    • WPF
  • html & css
  • bootstrap
  • git & GitHub
  • php
  • Mysql

Learned by myself

  • javascript
  • typescript
  • dart & flutter (for mobile development)
  • html & css
  • bootstrap
  • jquery
  • electronjs (for a simple windows app)
  • nodejs $ expressjs (for not enterprise project)
  • php
  • pyhton (a little)